How to Integrate the XcaliburW Device Agent in Your Reimaging Process

How to Integrate the XcaliburW Device Agent in Your Reimaging Process


When creating an image with the XcaliburW device agent, it is essential to configure the agent’s settings correctly on the new image. The focus should be on the configuration file, ensuring compatibility and proper communication with the Chip PC server.

Default Location of the Configuration File:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\XcaliburW\XcaliburW Device Agent\Device Agent\bin\Chip PC.config
  • C:\Program Files\XcaliburW\XcaliburW Device Agent\Device Agent\bin\Chip PC.config

Steps to Follow:

  1. Configure the Server Communication URL:

    • Ensure the URL in the configuration file points to the correct server:
      <add key="Communication.Url" value="https://MYSERVERURL:443" />
    • Replace MYSERVERURL with your server address to enable communication.
  2. Remove Hardware-Specific Identifiers:

    • Delete the following line if it exists:
      <add key="Agent.Last.Identity" value="Device_SID&DeviceMacAddresses" />
      This line is tied to the hardware where the image was created.
    • Remove this line as well:
      <add key="Remote.Identifier" value="A random unique identifier" />
      This value must be unique per device and should not be included in shared images.
  3. Set Enrollment to False:

    • Modify the enrollment setting in the configuration file:
      <add key="Chip PC.Is.Enrolled" value="false" />
      This ensures that the device will auto-enroll with the Chip PC server after the reimaging process.
  4. Update to the Latest Agent Version:

    • For agents running versions earlier than 2.14, update them before reimaging to ensure proper server communication.
  5. Ensure Version Compatibility:

    • The XcaliburW server version must be the same or greater than the agent version. Newer agents may not work with older server versions.

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